Cookie Policy

The purpose of this policy is to inform interested parties about the cookies used by this website, in accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016.

  1. Definitions

A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer when you access certain websites, smartphones, tablets or similar devices. Cookies allow a website, among other things, to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or their equipment and, depending on the information they contain and the way they use their equipment, they can be used to recognise the user. The use of cookies offers numerous advantages in the provision of Information Society services, since, among others:

(a) facilitates the user's navigation of the Website;

(b) provides the user with access to the different services offered by the Website;

(c) prevents the user from reconfiguring the pre-defined general features each time the user accesses the Website;

(d) favours the improvement of the functioning and services provided through the Website, following the corresponding analysis of the information obtained through the cookies installed;

(e) allow a website, among other things, to store and retrieve information about a user's browsing habits or equipment and, depending on the information they contain and the way you use your equipment, may be used to recognise the user.

Most browsers accept cookies as standard and, independently of them, allow or prevent temporary or stored cookies in the security settings. Please note that, in order to use and have a better browsing experience, it is necessary to have cookies enabled, especially those of a technical nature that are necessary so that they can identify you as a registered user each time you access this website. If you do not wish to receive cookies, you can configure your internet browser to erase them from your computer's hard drive, block them or warn you if they are installed.

  1. What types of cookies does this website use?

In order to provide you with as much information as possible, we will first classify cookies according to a number of categories:

Types of cookies depending on the entity that manages them:

  1. a) Proprietary Cookies:

These are those for which the publisher itself is responsible and which are generally sent to the user's terminal equipment from a computer or domain managed by the publisher itself and from which the service requested by the user is provided.

  1. b) Third-party cookies:

Cookies are those for which an entity other than the publisher is responsible and which are generally sent to the user's terminal equipment from a computer or domain that is not managed by the publisher, but by another entity that processes the data obtained through the cookies.

Types of cookies according to their purpose:

  • Check if cookies are allowed to provide the required user experience.

The portal owned by Luxida SL may contain links to third party websites, whose privacy policies are unrelated to that of Luxida SL. By accessing such websites you can decide whether to accept their privacy and cookie policies. In general, if you browse the Internet you can accept or reject third-party cookies from the configuration options of your browser. Luxida SL is not responsible, in any case, or the content or accuracy of the policies and / or conditions of use and privacy of third parties.

  1. Consent

In relation to the use of cookies on this website, the user authorises and consents to their use as follows:

When the user accesses any page of the website, he/she will see a notice indicating that the Luxida SL website uses cookies, and the user can accept or reject or configure them. By clicking accept, you accept the use of our cookies and, where appropriate, those of third parties. For this purpose, we indicate that the configuration panel allows the possibility of accepting or rejecting them by type.

  1. Data retention periods or criteria

The data obtained through the use of the cookies selected by you will be kept for the time necessary to fulfil the purposes for which they were collected and for the period of time established in the section "What types of cookies does this website use" of this policy, for each of the cookies installed on the device.

  1. Disabling cookies

You can allow, block, revoke or delete the cookies installed on your computer through your browser settings. You can find information on how to do this, in relation to the most common browsers, in the links below:

  1. Recipients of the information

We inform you that the suppliers detailed in this policy have access to the information obtained through the cookies on the website. We also inform you that some of our suppliers and/or collaborating companies may make transfers to third countries. For these purposes, we recommend that you visit their respective privacy policies, which are accessible through the links provided in the Configuration Panel (Google Analytics 4).

  1. Cookie policy update

This cookie policy may be modified/updated according to the established legal requirements or with the aim of adapting said policy to the instructions issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency or due to the updating of our website. For this reason, we advise users to periodically visit our cookies policy.

If you have any questions about this cookie policy, you can contact us through the "Contact" section of the website menu.

For further information about the processing of your personal data please see our Privacy Policy.

Last revised: August 2023

Luxida - Lersa Energía logo

Carrer de Sant Pere, 3. 17500 Ripoll, Girona

Tel.: 972 70 00 94
Luxida - Lersa Distribución

Carrer de Sant Pere, 6. 17500 Ripoll, Girona

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Leave us your contact
We will contact you as soon as possible
Antonio Tuñón - Luxida
Antonio Tuñón
Founder of Taiga Mistral
Ramón Bergareche - Luxida
Ramón Bergareche
Co-founder, Shareholder and Director
Cristina Tuñón - Luxida
Cristina Tuñón
Partner and Managing Director of Taiga Mistral and Luxida Group
Jaime Blas - Luxida
Jaime Blas
Partner and CEO of Taiga Mistral and Luxida Group
Germán Morales - Luxida
Germán Morales
Distribution Area Manager
Alberto Orejana - Luxida
Alberto Orejana
Partner and Technical Director of Taiga Mistral and Luxida Group
Urko Mate - Luxida
Urko Mate
Chief Financial Officer
Sonia Llorente - Luxida
Sonia Llorente
Financial Controller
Cristina Rufino - Luxida
Cristina Rufino
Pablo Fernández - Luxida
Pablo Fernández
Carlos Ortiz - Luxida
Carlos Ortiz, Regulation
David Indeguy - Luxida
David Indeguy
Sales Manager
Quiénes somos - Luxida Equipo
Enric Casals
General Manager - Lersa
Quiénes somos - Luxida Equipo
Jesús López
General Manager - San Pedro
Cristina Cantos- Luxida
Cristina Cantos
Distribution Director - San Pedro
Carlos Thiriet- Luxida
Carlos Thiriet
General Manager - Santa Clara
Quiénes somos - Luxida Equipo
Director General las Mercedes
Director General las Mercedes
Jaime de la Calle - Luxida
Jaime de la Calle
General Manager - Los Molares
Foto Isidoro Sandoval
Isidoro Sandoval
General Manager - San José
Quiénes somos - Luxida Equipo
Director of Luxida Instalaciones
Director of Luxida Instalaciones
Luxida - Oficinas centrales
Central Offices

Calle Gobelas, 13 1ª planta Moncloa - Aravaca, Madrid

Tel.: 913 576 310
Luxida - San Pedro Distribución

Calle Ramón Gómez Redondo, 6 Bajo. 02006 Albacete

Tel.: 967 661 011
Luxida - Lersa Energía logo
Luxida - Los Molares Distribución

Calle Camaron de la Isla, 9. 41750 Los Molares, Sevilla

Tel.: 954 666 708
Luxida - Lersa Energía logo

Calle Pilar, 1. 41460 Las Navas de la Concepción, Sevilla

Tel.: 687 471 804
Luxida - Santa Clara Distribución
Luxida - San José Distribución

Sor María del Coro, 17. 41850 Villamanrique de la Condesa, Sevilla

Luxida - Lersa Energía logo

Carrer de Sant Pere, 3. 17500 Ripoll, Girona

Tel.: 972 70 00 94
Luxida - Lersa Distribución

Carrer de Sant Pere, 6. 17500 Ripoll, Girona

Luxida - Lersa Energía logo

Avenida de Guadalajara, 68, nave 3. 19110 Mondéjar, Guadalajara

Tel.: 949 38 71 35
Luxida - Las Mercedes Distribución