We distribute near you

Luxida has more than 100 years of experience in electrical distribution and today, supplies 70 GWh of electricity to more than 12,000 households per year in various geographical areas of Spain.

We distribute in

Distribución - Luxida
Lersa Electricitat

It supplies electricity in the municipalities of Ripoll and Sant Joan de los Abadeses, in Gerona, distributing 30 GWh to 5,000 customers a year.

Distribución - Luxida
San Pedro Electricity Company

It supplies electricity in Albacete, in the municipalities of San Pedro, Pozuelo, Peñas de San Pedro, Casas de Lázaro, Masegoso, Peñascosa, Lezuza and Bazalote, distributing 4 GWh to 1,400 customers per year.

Distribución - Luxida
Santa Clara Electricity

It supplies electricity in Seville and Cordoba, in the municipalities of Las Navas de la Concepción, Constantina, Alanís, San Nicolás del Puerto and Hornachuelos, distributing 4 GWh to 1,200 customers a year.

Distribución - Luxida
Las Mercedes Electricity Distribution

It supplies electricity in the municipalities of Mondéjar, Yebra, Fuentenovilla and Pozo de Almoguera in the province of Guadalajara, distributing 15 GWh to 2,800 customers a year.

Distribución - Luxida
Luz Eléctrica Los Molares.

It supplies electricity in the municipality of Los Molares in Seville, distributing 8 GWh to 2,000 customers per year.

Distribución - Luxida
San José Electricity Company

It supplies electricity in Villamanrique de la Condesa, Seville, distributing 8.4 GWh to 2500 customers per year.

Do you need to install or maintain your electricity infrastructure, install self-consumption or electric chargers?

Contact Luxida Instalaciones

Would you like to know how your distribution company can expand with our group?

Committed to local development and quality service

Distribución Luxida - Comprometidos
Development and innovation

We improve local infrastructure through ambitious investment plans that drive business development and employment, thus caring for the municipalities in which we operate.

Distribución Luxida - Comprometidos
Experience and quality

We offer the experience of the local management team that has been in the electricity market for over 100 years to address the challenges and changes in the sector with excellence and efficiency.

Distribución Luxida - Comprometidos
Global vision

We are present throughout the entire value chain, providing a global vision and complete solutions, from generation, distribution, and electrical installation to commercialisation.

Leave us your contact
We will contact you as soon as possible
Luxida - Lersa Energía logo

Carrer de Sant Pere, 3. 17500 Ripoll, Girona

Tel.: 972 70 00 94
Luxida - Lersa Distribución

Carrer de Sant Pere, 6. 17500 Ripoll, Girona

Leave us your contact
We will contact you as soon as possible
Antonio Tuñón - Luxida
Antonio Tuñón
Founder of Taiga Mistral
Ramón Bergareche - Luxida
Ramón Bergareche
Co-founder, Shareholder and Director
Cristina Tuñón - Luxida
Cristina Tuñón
Partner and Managing Director of Taiga Mistral and Luxida Group
Jaime Blas - Luxida
Jaime Blas
Partner and CEO of Taiga Mistral and Luxida Group
Germán Morales - Luxida
Germán Morales
Distribution Area Manager
Alberto Orejana - Luxida
Alberto Orejana
Partner and Technical Director of Taiga Mistral and Luxida Group
Urko Mate - Luxida
Urko Mate
Chief Financial Officer
Sonia Llorente - Luxida
Sonia Llorente
Financial Controller
Cristina Rufino - Luxida
Cristina Rufino
Pablo Fernández - Luxida
Pablo Fernández
Carlos Ortiz - Luxida
Carlos Ortiz, Regulation
David Indeguy - Luxida
David Indeguy
Sales Manager
Quiénes somos - Luxida Equipo
Enric Casals
General Manager - Lersa
Quiénes somos - Luxida Equipo
Jesús López
General Manager - San Pedro
Cristina Cantos- Luxida
Cristina Cantos
Distribution Director - San Pedro
Carlos Thiriet- Luxida
Carlos Thiriet
General Manager - Santa Clara
Quiénes somos - Luxida Equipo
Director General las Mercedes
Director General las Mercedes
Jaime de la Calle - Luxida
Jaime de la Calle
General Manager - Los Molares
Foto Isidoro Sandoval
Isidoro Sandoval
General Manager - San José
Quiénes somos - Luxida Equipo
Director of Luxida Instalaciones
Director of Luxida Instalaciones
Luxida - Oficinas centrales
Central Offices

Calle Gobelas, 13 1ª planta Moncloa - Aravaca, Madrid

Tel.: 913 576 310
Luxida - San Pedro Distribución

Calle Ramón Gómez Redondo, 6 Bajo. 02006 Albacete

Tel.: 967 661 011
Luxida - Lersa Energía logo
Luxida - Los Molares Distribución

Calle Camaron de la Isla, 9. 41750 Los Molares, Sevilla

Tel.: 954 666 708
Luxida - Lersa Energía logo

Calle Pilar, 1. 41460 Las Navas de la Concepción, Sevilla

Tel.: 687 471 804
Luxida - Santa Clara Distribución
Luxida - San José Distribución

Sor María del Coro, 17. 41850 Villamanrique de la Condesa, Sevilla

Luxida - Lersa Energía logo

Carrer de Sant Pere, 3. 17500 Ripoll, Girona

Tel.: 972 70 00 94
Luxida - Lersa Distribución

Carrer de Sant Pere, 6. 17500 Ripoll, Girona

Luxida - Lersa Energía logo

Avenida de Guadalajara, 68, nave 3. 19110 Mondéjar, Guadalajara

Tel.: 949 38 71 35
Luxida - Las Mercedes Distribución